Throughout my life, I have moved a lot, changed jobs, made new friends (which used to be a huge issue for me), faced health and stress challenges and have come out on the other side with an amazing fulfilling life.
I have had 2 major knee surgeries. The last one was in 1988 and left my left knee bone on bone.
In 1999 I was at work and something came through the heating, ventilation and air conditioning unit. It sent me to the hospital. I was diagnosed with unspecified respiratory problems, irritated airways, fibromyalgia, GERD, and vocal cord dysfunction. I was flat on my back sick. Not only was I dealing with the stress of the illness, I was dealing with the stress of fighting with worker’s comp every day. After about 3 months, I woke up one day and said "enough is enough". I fired the famous clinic that “was taking care of me” and took my health into my own hands. I did research, found a chiropractor and massage therapist to help me. I kept going until I was able to get my life back. I kept the vision of healing in front of me at all times. When dealing with all my health challenges, the amount of stress it created on my life was unreal. My daughter was a junior in high school, she was very involved in gymnastics and theatre and other activities. I was too sick to attend some of her events and I did not want to miss going on her college visits. I did not allow the lack of energy, stress or health challenges to stop me. I learned ways to be able to do the important things in life. I chose to manage the illness and stress instead of allowing it to manage me.